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- # Default init script logging functions suitable for Ubuntu.
- # See /lib/lsb/init-functions for usage help.
- log_use_usplash () {
- if [ "${loop:-n}" = y ]; then
- return 1
- fi
- type usplash_write >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- log_to_console () {
- [ "${loop:-n}" != y ] || return 0
- [ "${QUIET:-no}" != yes ] || return 0
- # Only output to the console when we're given /dev/null
- stdin=`readlink /proc/self/fd/0`
- [ "${stdin#/dev/null}" != "$stdin" ] || return 0
- func=$1
- shift
- loop=y $func "$@" <${CONSOLE:-/dev/console} >${CONSOLE:-/dev/console} 2>&1 || true
- }
- log_success_msg () {
- if log_use_usplash; then
- usplash_write "TEXT $*" || true
- fi
- log_to_console log_success_msg "$@"
- echo " * $@"
- }
- log_failure_msg () {
- if log_use_usplash; then
- usplash_write "TEXT $*" || true
- fi
- log_to_console log_failure_msg "$@"
- if log_use_fancy_output; then
- RED=`$TPUT setaf 1`
- echo " $RED*$NORMAL $@"
- else
- echo " * $@"
- fi
- }
- log_warning_msg () {
- if log_use_usplash; then
- usplash_write "TEXT $*" || true
- fi
- log_to_console log_warning_msg "$@"
- if log_use_fancy_output; then
- YELLOW=`$TPUT setaf 3`
- echo " $YELLOW*$NORMAL $@"
- else
- echo " * $@"
- fi
- }
- log_begin_msg () {
- log_daemon_msg "$1"
- }
- log_daemon_msg () {
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- return 1
- fi
- if log_use_usplash; then
- usplash_write "TEXT $*" || true
- fi
- log_to_console log_daemon_msg "$@"
- if log_use_fancy_output && $TPUT xenl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- COLS=`$TPUT cols`
- if [ "$COLS" ] && [ "$COLS" -gt 6 ]; then
- COL=`$EXPR $COLS - 7`
- else
- COLS=80
- COL=73
- fi
- # We leave the cursor `hanging' about-to-wrap (see terminfo(5)
- # xenl, which is approximately right). That way if the script
- # prints anything then we will be on the next line and not
- # overwrite part of the message.
- # Previous versions of this code attempted to colour-code the
- # asterisk but this can't be done reliably because in practice
- # init scripts sometimes print messages even when they succeed
- # and we won't be able to reliably know where the colourful
- # asterisk ought to go.
- printf " * $* "
- # Enough trailing spaces for ` [fail]' to fit in; if the message
- # is too long it wraps here rather than later, which is what we
- # want.
- $TPUT hpa `$EXPR $COLS - 1`
- printf ' '
- else
- echo " * $@"
- COL=
- fi
- }
- log_progress_msg () {
- :
- }
- log_end_msg () {
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- return 1
- fi
- if log_use_usplash; then
- if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
- usplash_write "SUCCESS OK" || true
- else
- usplash_write "FAILURE failed" || true
- fi
- fi
- log_to_console log_end_msg "$@"
- if [ "$COL" ] && [ -x "$TPUT" ]; then
- printf "\r"
- $TPUT hpa $COL
- if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "[ OK ]"
- else
- printf '['
- $TPUT setaf 1 # red
- printf fail
- $TPUT op # normal
- echo ']'
- fi
- else
- if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo " ...done."
- else
- echo " ...fail!"
- fi
- fi
- return $1
- }
- log_action_msg () {
- if log_use_usplash; then
- usplash_write "TEXT $*" || true
- fi
- log_to_console log_action_msg "$@"
- echo " * $@"
- }
- log_action_begin_msg () {
- log_daemon_msg "$@..."
- }
- log_action_cont_msg () {
- log_daemon_msg "$@..."
- }
- log_action_end_msg () {
- # In the future this may do something with $2 as well.
- log_end_msg "$1" || true
- }